We focus on two areas regarding the prevention of injury and increasing performance — force and fatigue.

The human neck was designed to do so many amazing things. It supports the head, which houses the brain — the most critical part of our bodies – our brain. The neck also performs other roles such as aiding in peripheral vision and slight head movements like nodding, shaking your head, or turning. It is connected to the actions of your upper limbs and absorbs impact when running or performing other repetitive activities.

With all these essential functions, the neck is susceptible to injury through force or fatigue. Our necks were not meant to do some of the intense work we put them through in our everyday activities. These activities can be being in specific posture positions for extended periods, looking at your phone or computer screen, or as athletes during impacts, repetitive movements, unexpected turns, falls, or decelerations while performing.

When our neck meets with force or is impacted by fatigue, it is at risk of injury. When it comes to force, the KAPSUL™ collar is designed to help absorb energy from the force and impact and aid in slowing down and supporting the neck. The collar can help reduce neck pain and mitigate risks of whiplash or neck-related head injury.

Regarding fatigue, the collar acts as a soft and flexible support and stabilization system to aid in reducing fatigue that those long practices or posture positions can cause. Research shows that the more fatigued your body is, the more you are at risk for injury.

In sports, injuries usually happen either early on or late in the game. Early, due to inadequate warm-up and late due to muscular fatigue and prolonged exposure to force.

When it comes to the neck joint and supporting muscles and ligaments, the more we use them, the more we risk them weakening or breaking down.

Examples of Force (enhanced protection):

  • Rotational accelerations: falls, quick turns, unexpected movements
  • High-intensity, less frequent impacts: falls, jumps, impact, sudden stops
  • Repetitive sub-concussive trauma: minor repetitive impacts or movements experienced over time

Examples of Fatigue (enhanced performance):

  • Extended time in a specific posture position
  • Repetitive Exposure over time: practices, training, games, etc.

“They joke that Bobsled athletes have the necks of 40 year olds and we are in our 20s. The Kapsul collar gives me the extra support I need to be able to train longer, and stay healthy, keeping my neck protected and preserving my neck, so that I can achieve my goal each season of getting to Worlds or going all the way to the Olympics! I noticed after rough runs down the track, when wearing the Kapsul collar, I have no neck pain and my headaches are greatly reduced. This has been something I have worn ever since I received it back in 2019, as part of my training kit.” — Thomas Hunter, USA Bobsled

We see the Kapsul collar as not only protection, but also as a performance tool. When forces on the neck are dissipated, the muscles can work less hard on their own. This means an increased potential for the muscles to resist fatigue and continue supporting the head and neck throughout the activity.

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